Payment Overview
By clicking on the “Stripe Payment” button you will be taken to an overview page with various purchase options for Stripe Payment.
By clicking on the “Bank Transfer” button you will be taken to a form element to fill in your name, your E-Mail Adress and Address. After that we will send you an invoice and instructions how to transfer the money for my mentoring program.
Fundamentals for C++ Professionals
Price: €3200
Private Customer within European Union (+19% VAT)
- One-time payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
- Monthly payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
Private Customer outside European Union
- One-time payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
- Monthly payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
Company Customer within Germany (+19% VAT)
Company Customer outside Germany
Design Patterns and Architectural Patterns with C++
Price: €1800
Private Customer within European Union (+19% VAT)
- One-time payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
- Monthly payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
Private Customer outside European Union
- One-time payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
- Monthly payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
Company Customer within Germany (+19% VAT)
Company Customer outside Germany
C++20: Get the Details
Price: €1800
Private Customer within European Union (+19% VAT)
- One-time payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
- Monthly payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
Private Customer outside European Union
- One-time payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
- Monthly payment: bank transfer or Stripe payment link
Company Customer within Germany (+19% VAT)
Company Customer outside Germany